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People often jump right into the road test without learning about all of the possible penalties that can be given by the examiner for failing to adhere to traffic signs. Some of the largest mistakes you could possibly make on the Road Test such as “Failing to anticipate the actions of others” and “Failing to anticipate the actions of pedestrians” could result from a lack of knowledge regarding the traffic signs for road tests.


Below you will find three of the most common traffic signs you could encounter on your Road Test:

stop signs for road test

The infamous stop sign is known by all but not followed by all. Everyone may claim to know the rules regarding a stop sign, however, there is more to it than what meets the eye.

When approaching a stop sign you must slow down steadily and come to a complete stop just before the white line on the street. If you so happen to touch the white line before you come to a stop the DMV examiner may penalize you on the scoring sheet for “Poor judgement approaching a stop sign”.

After you have stopped you must count for three seconds minimum before releasing your foot from the brake pedal. If you do this too quickly you will get penalized for coming to an incomplete stop (which is a ticketable offense).

Before passing the sign make sure to check all directions thoroughly to look for any oncoming traffic and ensure the DMV examiner that you are aware of the stop sign for road test.

Learn more about stop signs!

Often confusing to new drivers, the all way stop sign is actually a bit different than the regular stop sign.

These stops signs appear only at intersections where there are no traffic lights.

The rules regarding this stop sign start the same as for a regular stop sign. You must slowly approach and come to a complete stop before the white line on the street.

The main idea to keep in mind is “first come, first serve”. The DMV examiner will make sure to check if you are following this terminology.

  • If you see another car at the same intersection waiting at the stop sign first, you must yield to that car and let them leave the intersection first before you proceed.
  • If you see that another car has approached the stop sign after you, this means that you have the right-of-way and should drive first.
  • If you and another car approach a stop sign at the same time, then the rightmost car has the right-of-way to continue first.
  • If you and another car are directly across one another, you may drive at the same time.
all way stop signs for road test

Learn more about all way stop signs!

pedestrian crossing signs for road test

This sign is known as the pedestrian crossing sign. It is extremely common to encounter this traffic sign during road tests.

This sign is placed in areas that have high pedestrian activity. Its purpose is to warn drivers of potential pedestrians trying to cross the street.

Firstly, you should lower your speed as you are approaching the sign. This will let the DMV examiner know that you are aware and cautious of pedestrians potentially crossing.

Secondly, make sure you are making it obvious to the examiner that you are looking at the crosswalks to ensure that there are no pedestrians about to get onto the street.

It is more than frequent that these signs for road test are overlooked by road testees and thus results in penalizations by the DMV examiners.

If you fail to look out for any pedestrians and lower your speed the DMV examiner will give you 5 points for being “inattentive to traffic signs”.

If you accumulate over 30 points you will fail the road test. Make sure to look out for traffic signs for road tests!

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